Jubilee World concluded the 19th General Assembly on July 11th in Saint Louis, MO with a hybrid format between onsite and online programs The conference theme was “revival” and “evangelism”and was held from July 8th to the 11th.
2 Day Mission Conference
The General Assembly consisted of a 2-day online mission conference. 50 ministers attended from around the world and presented their mission report from each continent.
Workshop lectures were presented by guest speakers from other mission organizations. The topics included mass evangelism, online evangelism, bible study methodology, worship theology, and philosophy.
Onsite Team Summer Camp
Lectures and master classes were instructed by Billy Smiley and other ministers. The lecture went over trends of Christian and secular music today, choral workshop, band, and mentorship.
Anniversary ServiceThe Anniversary service was held on July 10th at the Jubilee Theate. The service consited of the virtual choir, ministry presentation video, and congratulatory videos by representatives of different ministries.
The conference was an opportunity for ministers from around the world to have fellowship and share grace in the mission field. At the end of the conference, members had a chance to get a tour of St. Louis and see all the great history.