Musicianship Training and Band Rehearsals with Director Billy Smiley

Jubilee World to Hold 22nd General Assembly, Worship Concert to Commemorate God’s Grace

July 10, 2024, Jubilee World is to hold the 22nd General Assembly in its headquarters in St. Louis, MO. Jubilee representatives and members arrived one after the other, while Jubilee Worship School students prepared the venue together. Jubilee branches around the world will also hold satellite gatherings and tune in to the HQ main gathering […]
Jubilee World Appoints New Orchestra Director, Ptr. Dan Presgrave

Jubilee World sets up its newest orchestra director, pastor Dan Presgrave. Mr. Presgrave graduated cum laude from Ohio University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Theory, and received his Master of Music degree and completed course work for a Ph.D. in conducting and performance practice at Washington University. Mr. Presgrave served for four years as […]
Jubilee World Welcomes New Choir Director, Dr. Philip Woodmore

Jubilee World appoints new choir director, Dr. Philip Woodmore. Philip received his BS/BA in Business Marketing and Music Vocal Performance from Saint Louis University in 2005 and Masters in Music Education from Webster University in 2010. In May 2020, Dr. Woodmore graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia with his doctorate in music education. Philip’s research […]
Jubilee World to Hold 21st Anniversary Celebrating God’s Grace

Celebrating 21 Years of God’s GraceJubilee World will host the 21st Anniversary of Jubilee and celebrate the overflowing grace that God has poured down during the past 21 years. The conference theme is “Worship Together with One Voice” and it will be held from July 9th to July 11th, 2023. 2 Day Mission ConferenceThe General […]
Jubilee World Joins WEA-MC GC23 in Thailand

As a long-term affiliate ministry of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Jubilee World was graced to join WEA’s Mission Commission (WEA-MC) Global Consultation 2023, (GC23) which was held in Thailand from January 30th until February 3rd. The inter-denominational gathering with global mission leaders was originally going to be held in 2020 but was postponed due […]
Thank You Jesus for the Blood & The Love of God – 2022 Easter Virtual Choir

Jubilee Virtual Choir Thank You Jesus for the Blood & The Love of God – 2022 Easter Virtual Choir
Christmas Bringeth Jesus & The First Noel – Jubilee Virtual Choir

Christmas Bringeth Jesus & The First Noel – Jubilee Virtual Choir
Jubilee World 19th General Assembly Concludes with Abundant Grace

Jubilee World concluded the 19th General Assembly on July 11th in Saint Louis, MO with a hybrid format between onsite and online programs The conference theme was “revival” and “evangelism”and was held from July 8th to the 11th. 2 Day Mission Conference The General Assembly consisted of a 2-day online mission conference. 50 ministers attended […]
Jubilee Worship Kickstarts Band Tracking and Vocal Recording for New EP Production

Jubilee Worship begins recording and production for the newest EP this week, under the guidance of music director Billy Smiley. The new EP is aimed to release in early July. Session musicians came to add guitars, bass, keys, drums along with excellent gospel singers. In addition to recording, Smiley gave advice and tips to aspiring […]