Jubilee Worship Team 2024 Seasons | Join Today! Contact 314.435.2053
providing the stage for music and performing arts. The theater will be restored keeping intact it’s history and splendor.
We hold regular fellowship meetings in order to help artists have a deeper understanding of the Word of God.
We offer its students an educational experience like no other, geared toward and focused completely on their future in ministry.
Jubilee has a commitment in providing excellence and exceptional talent with an unwavering vision to glorify God and his name.
Jubilee Worship is a Christian music fellowship comprised of individuals passionate for the Lord and gifted in contemporary music.
Jubilee Dance is a fellowship of passionate dancers who dance for the glory of God and serious about proclaiming the message of God through the performing.
Jubilee Music is a Christian music agency. Simply speaking, it is like integrating Christian themes in other popular music entertainment agencies.
JubileeCast is the largest and most extensive online source for Christian music in the nation.
The Jubilee World Center is a beautiful 8.2 acre campus which was build in the turn of the century.
The “Orpheum Theater” in St. Louis, this 1700 seating theater is the first class venue for Jubilee World and the St. Louis community providing the stage for music and performing arts. The theater will be restored keeping intact it’s history and splendor. www.orpheumstlouis.com
Located in the “Jubilee World Center”, this 400 seating chapel features wonderful architecture, acoustics and atmosphere for services and worship.
Located in Nashville, TN “Music City”, our concert venue provides the stage for our members to perform and worship through the performing arts.
We appreciate your help in securing the future of our families. Our ministries need your wholehearted prayers and donations to guide the youth of today towards a future family that walks together with the Lord.