Jubilee Bolivia Composes Songs that Confesses True Worship Belongs to Him Who Sits on the Throne

Jubilee Bolivia

Jan 20, 2017


During this time, God has given two songs to Jubilee Bolivia. These songs remind the listener about God's attributes, honor, glory, and power. Both songs inspired on the book of Isaiah 9:6 "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the governments will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Price of Peace," and Juda 1:25 "To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Chris tour Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen." The lyrics exalt the name of Jesus, who sits on the throne for ever and ever.

Jubilee leader, Eduardo Miranda, shared, "we are blessed to be the vessels who received such inspiration. These songs remind us that we are to praise and honor Jesus, who sits on the throne forever and ever. The lyrics worship Him, and Him alone, there is no petition on them, but exalts God's attributes. As it is written on the book of Revelations chapters 4 and 5, in heaven, true worship belongs to Him, who sits on the throne."

Jubilee Bolivia, inspired by the Holy Spirit, has been receiving several songs, thus the worship team has started to pray for a way to record these songs.

Song #1

Creador de la vida

[Creator of life]

Nuestro salvador eres tu

[You are our Savior]
La creacion te canta

[Creation praise You]
Tu nombre es eterno Señor

[Lord, your name is eternal]
Yo te cantare

[I will sing to You]

Admirable, sobre el trono estas

[You who sits on the throne]
Consejero, vestido en majestad

[Wonderful Counselor]
Fuerte Dios, Padre eterno

[Mighty God, Everlasting Father]
Principe de paz

[Prince of Peace]

Aleluya, Aleluya

[Hallelujah, Hallelujah]

Song #2

Magnifico y unico Dios

[Majesty and only God]

Todo poderoso, Rey de reyes

[Almighty, King of Kings] 
Señor de todos los señores

[Lord of all Lords]

Toda la gloria

[all the glory]
La majestad, poder and authority

[Majesty power, and authority]
Te pertenecen por la eternidad! Amen

[Belong to you before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen]




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