Jubilee UK Finds Venue to Practice for Sunday Worship

Jubilee World UK Members Holds RehearsalJubilee World UK Members Holds Rehearsal

Oct 09, 2015

By the grace of God, Jubilee members in the United Kingdom, who recently grew into a total of four, have found a venue to practice praise songs for Sunday worship services.

Gary, who was originally recruited via an online ad, attended worship where Jubilee members were praising. Later, he found out the current situation of Jubilee UK, who had no place to practice, except just before Sunday service, and later suggested a free venue at William Booth College in London, owned by the Salvation Army.

The venue is equipped with a grand piano, drums and guitar, and an opportunity to use all of the instrument was offered to Jubilee for free. Members were overjoyed to hear the great news and were amazed by the way God works.

"It is incredible to see how God works in a different way from ours," one member said. "We used to think that it was impossible to recruit Christian musicians under the circumstances we were in because we don't have a place to practice during the daytime on weekdays, and we put it off thinking that we can do later."

The member went on, "But when we obeyed the instruction given from the Jubilee headquarters, really God provides not only a person but also a venue so that Jubilee UK can grow more on a big scale. We are so grateful for God's hands preparing everything for us, and making us realize through this time." 

Jubilee UK are requesting prayers to find new member recruits, and that God may raise them and train them through Jubilee, and many doors to reach people can be opened up for mass evangelism.

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